Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sam Salz, Marc Chagall's dealer.

"The Art Dealer Sam Salz"("Kunsthandler"), a photo by August Sander from his series on professions during the 1920s Weimar period in Germany. This photo was taken of my father in front of his gallery in Cologne where he sold Chagall, Arp and Braque. Two Chagalls he sold, "Birthday" and "Over Vitebsk", eventually were bought by the Museum of Modern Art in New York where they are still in the collection. The then mayor and later chancelor Konrad Adenauer attended one of the gallery's openings. For showing and selling modern art, my father got on the list of the rising Nazi party. He then left for Paris. Here is a link to "Birthday" on the MoMA website: http://www.moma.org/collection/provenance/provenance_object.php?object_id=79360

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